Vehicle Identification Numbers


A lot of parts listed will have a VIN designation. The part of the VIN, which is relative, is the last 8 characters.

For example, a typical Discovery 2 VIN would look like this: SALLTGM93YA288448

YA288448 is what is needed to identify the correct parts. Sometimes just the "YA" is enough.

As a rough guide, this chassis sequence started around 1984 with "AA", 1985 is "BA", 1986 "CA" and so on, "YA" is 2000, then "ZA" was skipped as it can be confused with "2A" so the sequence started again at "1A" for 2001, "2A" for 2002, up until "9A" for 2009, then from 2010, things started from "AA" once again, "BA" is 2011 and so on. This rule applies to any Land Rover model built from 1984, please remember that this is just a rough guide as Counties/Defenders like to bend these rules a bit.